Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Fretting over spilled milk...

I'm really not sure what to do with this piece. The shapes of the bridge seem just a bit too sharp and distinct for my liking. The background also seems very plain. I worked on this light years ago and I just never really liked it. Please....rip the piece to shreds, because it needs it.


Marty said...

i like it a lot.. i think id have to see it in person to make the call, but maybe some color? not a lot though, just a little i like the bridge the way it is.

lhsap2kevinD said...

howly ker-ap!
i love this
don't change it cause its perfect how it is. i always accidently overwork peices and they turn to poop.

lhsap2MollyK said...

i agree with kevin, dont overwork it. Is this done with graphite? and what bridge is it?

lhsap2AllenC said...

I agree with the two comments above me maybe a cloud or something could bring it to completion though. I do think it is a little unfinished...

amanda said...

something about this piece reminds me of the bridge man from artist after hours haha. kidding, but it really is a nice bridg. great value!!!