Sunday, November 25, 2007

REALLY amazing artists: NOT my art....obviously

I just thought I would post some of my friends' work from the Sharpies. They are exceedingly talented and very inspiring. Two of them so far are going for NFAA to Florida for Arts Week!!


lhsap2MichaelA said...

holy smokes! those are amazing. i can't believe one person did all of them.

lhsap2MollyK said...

they are crazy good!

lhsap2aubreyf said...

they are amazing. actually, each of these pieces is from their concentrations. A different person did each piece...but i'll let them know what you guys think!

Matt Brooks said...

oh my god. Those are awesome! My favorite one is the guy covered in christmas lights. sooo good

BreeRrr said...

These are incredible! I can't beileve how awesome they are! The guy with the christmas lights is mind blowing... kudos

lhsap2kevinD said...

that are incredible..lyy DISGUSTING.. because they're SO SO SOS SO GOOD!!! ugh amazing

lhsap2AllenC said...

I love the christmas light effect when strapped around peoples faces or body's. Although I have seen it recycled in a couple different places I like what you have done with it. I think some of the photographers could have a good time with this concept. Your portrait of Mr. Price has inspired me in a couple ways. But I just wanted to say that your pieces are killer, and you never cease to amaze me. Keep on keepin' on!